The 7 Habits All New Vegans Need to Master
The 7 Habits All New Vegans Need to Master

The 7 Habits All New Vegans Need to Master

  • Sarah Von Alt
  • Sarah Von Alt

1. Give people the benefit of the doubt.
Remember that most people grew up eating meat, and many still have no idea what happens to animals before they reach their plates. Really try to understand where others are coming from, and be mindful not to alienate or accuse.

2. Call ahead.
Headed to a restaurant you’re unfamiliar with? Give them a call (or check their menu online) to see what menu options they have for vegans. Nothing on the menu? Most chefs will be happy to prepare a tasty veggie dish for you.

3. Let go.
We can’t convince everyone, and some people get defensive at the mere presence of a vegan. It’s great to have a discussion, but it’s important to remember that you aren’t there to argue.

4. Practice self-care.
If you’re new to veganism or animal rights, discovering the extreme cruelty faced by animals in factory farms can sometimes be overwhelming. Here are some tips for practicing self-care.

5. Embrace community.
Vegans are everywhere. You just have to know where to find them! Being part of a community of like-minded people is a great way to avoid “burning out” and combats feelings of hopelessness. Meetup is a fantastic place to start.

6. Bring food.
Carrying snacks or bringing a dish to share is an excellent way to introduce your friends and family to delicious vegan food. It also ensures you have something tasty to eat.

7. Be open-minded.
For most people, eating vegan expands their palates and opens up a whole new world of flavors they might never have tried otherwise. There are amazing vegan versions of pretty much everything, so be sure to find your favorites!

Want more? Click here for 10 incredibly useful skills every vegan has mastered.